Locality Groups

Strengthening Conservation Through Community Action

At Brunswick Valley Landcare we believe that locality groups are the backbone of Landcare. The volunteers that make up these groups drive the remarkable success across the nation. These Landcare groups work on-ground to deliver a variety of projects focused on the restoration and maintenance of our local environment.

Originally Landcare areas were based on river catchments and then in the early 2010’s there was a move to LGA’s. So now Brunswick Valley Landcare is the network that covers the Byron Shire. This includes the Brunswick River Catchment (including Belongil Creek and Broken Head Creek) and the Wilsons River Catchment. 

Under the umbrella of BVL are 15 Locality Landcare Groups, 3 Dunecare groups and 1 special interest group. Through our Landcare Enabling Program funding our Landcare Coordinator also supports 8 Incorporated Landcare groups that work within Byron Shire.

Catchment map
Broken Head
Federal Bushfood Living Classroom
Friends of Lilli Pilli
Jinangong, Ocean Shores
Laurel Avenue, Mullumbimby
Mullumbimby Town
Ocean Shores Landcare
Tallowood Ridge, Mullumbimby
Tristran Parade, Mullumbimby
Upper Coopers Creek
Upper Main Arm
Yelgun Valley
Green and Clean Awareness Team

The team meet at 9am near the car park on Clarke’s Beach on the third Sunday of every month for dune re-vegetation followed by a BBQ.

South Golden Beach Dunecare

Bush regeneration work at South Golden Beach has been successful in suppressing many of the environmental weeds.  

Suffolk Park Dunecare

A new reinvigorated group of locals have taken up where others have left. The previous group worked in the dunes for over 20 years covering more than 3km of dunes and they restored a strip of endangered Littoral rainforest. Everyone is welcome to come along to their working bees on the last Sunday of each month.

Byron Bird Buddies

Byron Bird Buddies (BBB) is a volunteer community group which is involved with avifauna conservation and education in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia, since 2004.

“Community working for the conservation of birds through observation, education and habitat protection.”

Big Scrub Rainforest Conservancy Group
Byrangery Grass Reserve

A 15 hectare Reserve on Mafeking Road in Goonengerry that is open to the public and managed by the Byrangery Grass Reserve Trust.  You can download this leaflet for more information and a map.

Organic Landcare
Wilson’s Creek Huonbrook Landcare

Get Involved with a Local Group

You can make a tangible impact by joining one of the existing locality groups in the Byron Shire. These groups take on crucial tasks such as weeding, replanting, and ongoing maintenance of sites that require rehabilitation. Each group operates independently, maintaining its unique identity and managing its own projects, yet all are united under the supportive umbrella of Brunswick Valley Landcare.

Support and Resources from BVL

If you and your neighbours see a need in your area, you are encouraged to start a new locality group. As the umbrella organisation, BVL supports over 15 groups in the Byron Shire by providing:

Join a Group

To join a Local Community Group, reach out to the Coordinator of the group you’re interested in.

If you’d like to have your incorporated group listed on our website, please reach out to our Landcare Support Officer through our Contact page

For other groups in the area please visit the NSW Landcare Gateway site.

$500 Grants for Locality Groups

BVL is offering $500 grants to locality groups within the Byron Shire. $500 may be applied for each financial year. Expressions of interest, an explanation of the requirement for the grant, and a brief project plan for your locality group should be submitted to BVL via our contact page. All grants are subject to committee approval.