Join a Locality Group

Catchment map

Locality groups are the roots of the Landcare movement and the reason for its extraordinary nationwide success. Volunteers contribute their time and energy to undertake a wide range of projects, particularly the weeding, replanting and maintenance of sites in need of rehabilitation.

You can join an existing group in the Byron Shire, or you and your neighbours may wish to consider forming a new group in a location where you see a need. Landholders can initiate Landcare projects on their own properties.

Groups form independently, maintain their own identity, and manage their own work sites. BVL is the umbrella group, supporting more than 15 groups in the Byron Shire and providing access to insurance, information, funding and equipment.

All regular members of a locality group need to be an individual member of BVL to be covered by our insurance.

To get involved as a volunteer, contact the coordinator of the site you would like to join (see details below).

To have your incorporated group listed on the Brunswick Valley Landcare website contact our Landcare Support Officer.

Brunswick Valley Landcare “Locality” Groups 

Broken Head
Contact: Annette McKinley    (02) 6685 1857

Brunswick Heads
Contact: Brunswick Heads Progress Association 0410 024 272

Federal Bushfood Living Classroom
Contact: Rachel Heaton    0450 741 734

Friends of Lilli Pilli
Contact: Deb Jorgensen  0434 254 802

Heritage Park, Mullumbimby
Contact: Diana Hughes  0421 308 688

You can download the Heritage Park, Mullumbimby Information Leaflet.

Jinangong, Ocean Shores
Contact: Ian Parer

Laurel Avenue, Mullumbimby
Contact: Jim & Gai Smith   (02) 6684 2598  visit:  

Mullumbimby Town 
Contact: John Tann  

Ocean Shores Landcare, Ocean Shores
Contact: David Kemp   0427 650 861

Tallowood Ridge, Mullumbimby
Joanne McMurtry   0437 808 388

Tristran Parade, Mullumbimby
Contact: Jane Wickers   0404 050 361

Contact: Bela Allen   (02) 6684 7113

Upper Coopers Creek
Contact: Sandra Kaji-O’Grady   0416 171 070 or (02) 6688 2439    

Upper Main Arm
Contact: Richard Hughes   0416 171 070 or (02) 6688 2439     

Yelgun Valley
Contact: Stephanie Smith   0405 640 899

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Brunswick Catchment Dunecare Groups

Green and Clean Awareness Team

The team meet at 9am near the car park on Clarke’s Beach on the third Sunday of every month for dune re-vegetation followed by a BBQ.

Contact Peter Farmakis  0488 715 565

South Golden Beach Dunecare

Bush regeneration work at South Golden Beach has been successful in suppressing many of the environmental weeds.   
Contact: Ian Parer

Suffolk Park Dunecare

A new reinvigorated group of locals have taken up where others have left. The previous group worked in the dunes for over 20 years covering more than 3km of dunes and they restored a strip of endangered Littoral rainforest. Everyone is welcome to come along to their working bees on the last Sunday of each month.

 Contact: Rebekah O’Flaherty  0428 942 903

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Brunswick Catchment Interest Groups

Byron Bird Buddies

Byron Bird Buddies (BBB) is a volunteer community group which is involved with avifauna conservation and education in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia, since 2004.

“Community working for the conservation of birds through observation, education and habitat protection.”


Toad Busters
Contacts: Bela Allen on (02) 6684 7113.

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Other Incorporated Groups in the Region

Byron Shire Chemical Free Group
Contact: Nadia 02 6684 4771 email

Bangalow Landcare and Rivercare

Big Scrub Rainforest Landcare Group

Byrangery Grass Reserve
A 15 hectare Reserve in Goonengerry that is open to the public and managed by the Byrangery Grass Reserve Trust.  You can download this leaflet for more information and a map.  Byrangery leaflet

Federal Landcare

Goonengerry Landcare

Wilson’s Creek Huonbrook Landcare

For other groups in the area please visit the NSW Landcare Gateway site:

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