Top post-flood invasive weed species in Byron Shire – and how to deal with them
“Empowering Landholders through community-based learning in weed control techniques”
This workshop will be led by professional, experienced and legendary local bush regenerators Dave Rawlins & Rochelle Merdith (Rawlo & Rocket).
Part theory – part practical demonstration
The workshop focus will be on:
Positive weed I.D.
Best-practice weed control techniques
Which technique for which mode of dispersal and why
Once clear on the dispersal means, this knowledge can be applied to all other weed species
Best-practice weed control techniques
Which technique for which mode of dispersal and why
Once clear on the dispersal means, this knowledge can be applied to all other weed species
FREE event – morning tea provided
Bookings essential via humantix:
Durrumbul Hall
16 Mud Brick Lane
Main Arm NSW 2482
Durrumbul Hall
16 Mud Brick Lane
Main Arm NSW 2482
This opportunity is supported by Byron Shire Council and jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding arrangements.