On 10th November 2023, several Upper Mullumbimby Creek residents gathered to plant riparian rainforest trees on a special piece of land at the top of Left Bank Rd.

This land was the former home of Linda Rutledge (and Peter McNeilly) This home was built during the days of banana farming in the area, starting as a worker’s cottage and gradually added to over the years.

The February 2022 flood sent huge trees and boulders and intense floodwater through the home, leaving it unable to be repaired. The block has been assessed as unsafe for rebuilding and so the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Authority is purchasing the land.

Linda’s dream was to return the land to rainforest and now it is becoming a reality.

100 local rainforest species were planted. Special commemorative trees included Coolamon Syzygium moorei. Other species planted included great for stabilizing: Waterhousia floribunda,  Lomandra hystrix and Tristania  laurina and of course, Toona australis, the fabulous Red Cedar. Also Diploglottis australis (Native Tamarind), Baloghia, Syzygium, and some special plants grown by Julie Ryan including Blue Quandong, and Acmena ingens Red Apple. Some Macadamia tetraphylla have been organised by Mignon Halford and supplied by Denise Bond. Porters provided water for the new rainforest with their amazing fire trailer.

Coffee and Gluten free apple cake, specially made by Linda, were enjoyed by all after the hard work of planting

Thank you to Brunswick Valley Landcare Inc who provided the trees. Thanks to Peter Ryan for labour for site preparation and hole digging.

The site, a scene of so much loss, is now known as Boogarem Park and happily, has now become a community focus point and will be looked after by the local community into the future.

Never forgotton….

Past memories of former resident Heather Teakle were provided by Minne Halford in the form of a piece of history – a copy of the 1996 Mullumbimby Creek Progress Association newsletter. The newsletter even provided information on the newly formed MCPA Landcare group which later became one of the founding groups of BVL Inc.

So, after over 25 years the upper Mullumbimby Creek Landcare group has a new focus… Boogarem Park, a special rainforest recreation place for the local community beside the creek.

The working bees will continue with a social focus, something that the Mullumbimby Creek group was famous for in past days (voted the most social group in Landcare awards of the 90s).

The previous creek bank work of the upper Mullumbimby Creek Landcare group, now over 25 years old, is noticeable along the creek in upper left bank road. The roadworks crew commented on how beautiful upper Mullumbimby creek has become with the local character of rainforest trees.

Next gathering proposed for February. Date to be confirmed.

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